The rainbow in the storm

The ancient eavesdropper

Rain splashes against the glass
leaving its face anonymous.
Blurred features, wet mask
to conceal identity –
no one notices anyway.
Humans don’t even remember
the touch of water on their skin,
too busy opening umbrellas,
afraid of unpredictable showers
that smear makeup
and reveal imperfections.
Despite careful steps, their clean
dress shoes are muddied
by puddles they used to jump in.
While we may have time inside
to stare at the rainbow after the storm subsides,
our sense of wonder is lessened for not being part
of the water’s cycle – we are dry non-participants,
rarely soaking in the transitory moments nature gives
that awaken the child in the adult once again.

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About tyler4turtles

I am an avid photographer, poet, ecologist, bookworm, blogger, art enthusiast and runner who calls Montana home but lives in Oregon.
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22 Responses to The rainbow in the storm

  1. Walking My Path: Mindful Wanderings in Nature says:

    Oh Tyler, I love this.
    From one who walks and splashes in rain and plays in mud.

    • Thank you kindly, Mary! So glad you enjoyed my rainy day poem πŸ™‚ I always pick the biggest puddles to splash in for effect πŸ˜‰ Have a wonderful week, my friend!

  2. I like most everything you write, but this is by far my favorite!!

  3. I love rain. I hope I get some during my visit to London this Christmas. I grew up there and have fond memories of rain and fog.

  4. Olga says:

    Love how you explored the lost art of play and finding joy in the transitory moments. Wonderful poetic insight.

  5. To splashing in big puddles!

  6. Ms. Vee says:

    I love this Tyler. I have a different perception of the rain! Blessings and peace.

  7. Jen E Town says:

    To just be in the rain…for a little while

  8. I don’t just like this one …. I REALLY like it. Thanks for a beautiful reminder.

    • You are most welcome, my friend! It’s my pleasure πŸ™‚ I’m glad you enjoyed my rainy day poem. Thanks! You are very kind and thoughtful. Have a wonderful week ahead, Sherrie!
      Tyler πŸ™‚

  9. Nicodemas says:

    Wonderful! I love this.

  10. Melody J Haislip says:

    Simply lovely – and to true. We separate ourselves from the Earth much too often.
    Thank you for stopping by! πŸ™‚

    • Thank you kindly, Melody! I’m glad you enjoyed my rainy day poem πŸ™‚ Nature is my muse & wellspring of inspiration. I wish you and yours all the best in 2016, my friend!
      Tyler πŸ™‚

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